Monday, 20 August 2007

Physio Meetings

Hi all,

Last week I attended a meeting with my supervisor for Paediatric Development Physios in WA. They have this meeting once every two months, and quite often they develop tools and assessment forms for the common conditions that they see. It was really interesting to see how a group of physios interact in a meeting situation. At this particular meeting, they were asked to develop a list of the common conditions they see and the assessment and treatment tools they use so they could pass this information on to people who refer kids to them (eg community health nurses). What was interesting is that even though they all worked in the same area, the variety of kids they saw was quite amazing. Some would only accept kids under a certain age, and some would see more of one type than another. It really showed me how diverse a particular area can be, as well as when you are a physio, you do have some choice of who you want to see in some situations. It is also really good to see that even though there is diversity, there is also unity between physios, and that when people work as a team, they can provide incredibly useful information. This group of physios was also a kind of support network, which is really good, because in this area, you are mainly working in a facility where there are only 1 or 2 physios, so having a support network would be really beneficial.

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