Monday, 26 November 2007

Movement analysis

A petient was accepted for gerontology assessment in my ward for frequent falls. I did the routin assessment which is filling the geriatric assessment form for her. Her glute med strength in sidying position was definately a grade 4+ and no pelvic drop in single leg stance position. so I presume that her glude med was fine. However, my clinical tutor picked up that she had a compensated trendelenberg sign. The reason I failed to identified patient's weak glute med is that I failed to check patient's alignment as a whole ie shoulder over pelvic, relation of pelvic and CoG etc... and I was only looking for signs ie "pelvic drop".

Treatment conducted based on the diagnosis that patient had a weak glute med was very successful and patient's balance and confidence improve rapidly. I really think that as a PT, I need to make sure that analyse patient's movement as a whole not just focusing on signs.

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