Sunday, 10 June 2007

Thinking towards the future

I'm putting this out to the group to hopefully settle my own concerns in regards to the fact that I have no (absolutely zero) ideas of where I see myself working as a physio next year. I know that we are only in prac number three, but I guess I felt that by now I would have some clarity as to where in the scheme of things I fit, and where I can best put my skills to use.

Is there anyone else that is as lost as me, and lacks direction? With the busy-ness of this year I'm afraid I've lost motivation and drive...who can inspire me?


Elizabeth said...

It's hard knowing what you want to do when you finish, especially when we haven't had a huge range of experiences in different areas. At the moment I feel a bit the same way, not really too sure what I am going to do next year, but the comforting thing is that in physio there are so many different areas. If you don't like one, then try another. Try to thimk about all the things that you do like about physio, eg working with people, making a difference in people's lives etc. Even though you won't be satisfied all the time, try to remember the parts where you have enjoyed helping people and made a difference. Being a student is hard work, and I find that it is hard to really enjoy yourself when you are working really hard and feel constantly under pressure. Hopefully as the year goes on and we gain more clinical experience, it will become less hard and we can enjoy it more.

wemadeit said...

Yeah Lisa, I know the stuff you saw at prac might put you off but man maybe public sector is not your type? or ICU or whatever. You should find next year very different. The darkest moment is usually right before the light comes out:)However, even if you cant enjoy physio, then you should just stay strong and finish the race-that is character we need for any career-does that make you feel better this way?
